16 juillet 2009

au sujet d’une publication sur
Asger Jorn et l’Institut scandinave
de vandalisme comparé
Asger Jorn et l’Institut scandinave
de vandalisme comparé
A new book about the author Asger Jorn and his famous five books from the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism.
On his death the Cobra artist Asger Jorn (1914-1973) left behind an extensive written output. In his article On the author Asger Jorn, Jens Staubrand writes about him, taking a special look at his five books from the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism. And the index facilitates access to Asger Jorn’s five books from the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism: Naturens Orden [The Natural Order], Værdi og Økonomi [Value and Economy], Held og Hasard [Luck and Chance], Ting og Polis [Thing and Polis] and Alfa og Omega [Alpha and Omega].
About the book (in English and Danish):
ASGER JORN - On the author Ager Jorn and his five books from the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism and Index to Asger Jorn’s five books from the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism.
Copenhagen 2009.
Number af pages: 207, h: 20, b: 13 cm.
ISBN 978 87 92259 89 9.
Price in shops: 199,00 DKK.
Planed to be on sale in the shops from the 9 th of March 2009.
Contact: Philosopher Jens Staubrand, www.staubrand.dk, +45 40 59 22 83.
Jens Staubrand has, at The Royal Library in Denmark, curated an exhibition on Asger Jorn as author, and under Borgens Forlag has published the book Asger Jorn—aforismer og andre korte tekststykker [Asger Jorn—Aphorisms and Other Short Passages].
Hinge Cultural Production
Press release
Yours Vibeke Hinge Jensen og Jens Staubrand
c/o Vibeke Hinge Jensen Prinsesse Maries Allé 16, 1.tv.
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Merci à Ale Hozro !